Effective team working
Effective team working
Organisations should use often team working as a method for innovating, because it results to more generated ideas and flexible solutions than indivuals might achieve. Focus should be in adaptive innovation by using cells, projects teams, cross-functionall teams and inter-organisational problem solving teams. At the same time organisations should be aware that building effective teams is not simple. Managers must take care of teams cooperativeness, because wrong individual compinations can have negative impacts to innovating effectiveness.
Tidd J., Bessant J. (2013). Managing innovation. Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change s. 132
Managers who are responsible for selecting individuals to the team, should be aware that most effective teams consist of individuals with various abilitys, behavioural styles and backround. If teams individuals are too homogenious, there is a big probability that performance is lower than with heterogeniuous team.
Tidd J., Bessant J. (2013). Managing innovation. Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
Applied Tidd&Bessant. Managing innovation. Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change (2013)